It's been almost a year since we began to develop smart adapter for adapting Canon EF lenses to Nikon Z mount camera. We encountered a lot of technical problems and finally solved them one by one. Now, an engineering sample was tested for AF performance under both still and video mode from simple signal point AF to face/eye detection AFC tracking. The results are exciting! It looks the most import thing a smart adapter needs to take care of, i.e. af performance under all kinds of circumstances, is not an issue at all. Z mount is really a good choice for adapting lenses from other systems.

The following tests were done using a EF24-105/4L II on a Z6 camera body.
- Touch AF test in different focal length of a zoom
- Video AF test with different AF speed settings

The following tests were done using a EF70-200/2.8L III + 2X TC on a Z6 camera body.
- Continuous shooting (H+ mode) test using AF-C tracking with face/eye detection
- Video AF tracking test with face detection
The Fringer EF-NZ adapter will be released in near future.