There were a lot of Fringer adapter users asked for smart adapters for GFX cameras. They request high performance adapters like Fringer for X mount. And the releasing of GFX100s helped us finally made our mind. Such an excellent camera deserves better adapter products.
As the inventor of world's first smart adapter for Fujifilm G mount (Fringer C645-GFX, 2017/4, check this video), now we come back to G mount and bring you Fringer EF-GFX. It's still under development and will be available in the market on the 2nd half of 2021.

Note: This is an engineering sample. The look may subject to change in the future.
The Fringer EF-GFX adapts EF mount lenses to Fujifilm GFX cameras while keeping auto functions such as AF/AE/EXIF.
Key features include:
- Electronic aperture ring
Keep the same usage as native GF lenses. As GFX100s doesn't have ISO dial, if an adapter doesn't have an aperture ring, the camera front dial has to be shared by ISO and aperture settings which isn't convenient at all.
- Support Phase Detection AF (GFX100 and GFX100s only)
You will get high AF performance as well as supports for AF tracking and Eye AF, etc. only if PDAF is fully supported.
- Support In Body Image Stabilization (GFX100 and GFX100s only)
A lot of very good EF mount lenses don't have IS function. It would be great to leverage the IBIS function of the camera body.
- Lateral Chromatic Aberration correction (optimized lenses only)
We believe JPGs straight out of camera are very useful. Unfortunately, LaCA may severely affect the quality of them. Unlike the raw file, it isn't easy to be removed for a JPG. Native GF lenses are all embedded with LaCA correction. Now, our adapter has done the same thing for EF mount lenses.
Please watch the demo video for more details:
More detailed explanations regarding the tests of LaCA correction.
Check the following picture produced by EF24-105/4L IS II and GFX100s. We have made 2 adapter firmware to do the comparison, one with LaCA correction and the other without. We have used them to take photos for the same scenery. Both are SOOC JPGs.

100% crop of the edge area (the red square):
SOOC JPG Without LaCA correction:

SOOC JPG with LaCA correction:

The adapter is still under development. It is expected to be released in the 2nd half of 2021. At below you may subscribe to our blog and get notified when there is any progress. Thank you!